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~V~ Whirlwindbooks

When I'm not performing my duties as a mother, wife, trainer, taxi-driver, tutor, or chef, I read. I have a foul mouth (which I try to filter--but most of the time, fail), and I love to write. 

Currently reading

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty
Anne Rice, A.N. Roquelaure
Guilty Pleasures
Laurell K. Hamilton
Levitating Las Vegas
Jennifer Echols
Taken by midnight
Lara Adrian
Let Love In (Love, #1)
Melissa Collins
Whirlwind Books

quotes Vanessa likes

2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge
Vanessa has completed her goal of reading 102 books in 2013!
Freeing Asia (Breaking Free, #1) - E.M. Abel I love when authors know how to use their words, and Abel...let's just say, her words flowed like the sweet smoke of a well-rolled...yeah, you get my drift. It was hot, it was sweet, it was real. Freeing Asia is a FABULOUS debut novel and I absolutely loved it. Asia is a strong-willed, fierce woman who realizes her strength is so much more than what she gives herself credit for. Reading this book had me wondering who the guy would be, where she/they would end up and gave me a wonderful insight into the lives of every character introduced. Definitely a book to read & an author to watch out for! **5 Smoking Hot Stars**. Please hold for full review...